Monday, January 27, 2020

Steps in Strategic Planning

Steps in Strategic Planning Strategic Planning Model Many books and articles describe how best to do strategic planning, and many go to much greater lengths than this planning response sheet, but our purpose here is to present the fundamental steps that must be taken in the strategic planning process. Below is a brief description of the five steps in the process. These steps are a recommendation, but not the only recipe for creating a strategic plan; other sources may recommend entirely different steps or variations of these steps. However, the steps outlined below describe the basic work that needs to be done and the typical products of the process. Thoughtful and creative planners will add spice to the mix or elegance to the presentation in order to develop a strategic plan that best suits their organization! Step One Getting Ready To get ready for strategic planning, an organization must first assess if it is ready. While a number of issues must be addressed in assessing readiness, the determination essentially comes down to whether an organizations leaders are truly committed to the effort, and whether they are able to devote the necessary attention to the big picture. For example, if a funding crisis looms, the founder is about to depart, or the environment is turbulent, then it does not make sense to take time out for strategic planning effort at that time. An organization that determines it is indeed ready to begin strategic planning must perform five tasks to pave the way for an organized process: identify specific issues or choices that the planning process should address clarify roles (who does what in the process) create a Planning Committee develop an organizational profile identify the information that must be collected to help make sound decisions. The product developed at the end of the Step One is a Workplan. Step Two Articulating Mission and Vision A mission statement is like an introductory paragraph: it lets the reader know where the writer is going, and it also shows that the writer knows where he or she is going. Likewise, a mission statement must communicates the essence of an organization to the reader. An organizations ability to articulate its mission indicates its focus and purposefulness. A mission statement typically describes an organization in terms of its: Purpose why the organization exists, and what it seeks to accomplish Business the main method or activity through which the organization tries it fulfill this purpose Values the principles or beliefs that guide an organizations members as they pursue the organizations purpose Whereas the mission statement summarizes the what, how, and why of an organizations work, a vision statement presents an image of what success will look like. For example, the mission statement of the Support Centers of America is as follows: The mission of the Support Centers of America is to increase the effectiveness of the nonprofit sector by providing management consulting, training and research. Our guiding principles are: promote client independence, expand cultural proficiency, collaborate with others, ensure our own competence, act as one organization. We envision an ever increasing global movement to restore and revitalize the quality of life in local communities. The Support Centers of America will be a recognized contributor and leader in that movement. With mission and vision statements in hand, an organization has taken an important step towards creating a shared, coherent idea of what it is strategically planning for. At the end of Step Two, a draft mission statement and a draft vision statement is developed. Step Three Assessing the Situation Once an organization has committed to why it exists and what it does, it must take a clear-eyed look at its current situation. Remember, that part of strategic planning, thinking, and management is an awareness of resources and an eye to the future environment, so that an organization can successfully respond to changes in the environment. Situation assessment, therefore, means obtaining current information about the organizations strengths, weaknesses, and performance information that will highlight the critical issues that the organization faces and that its strategic plan must address. These could include a variety of primary concerns, such as funding issues, new program opportunities, changing regulations or changing needs in the client population, and so on. The point is to choose the most important issues to address. The Planning Committee should agree on no more than five to ten critical issues around which to organize the strategic plan. The products of Step Three include: a data base of quality information that can be used to make decisions; and a list of critical issues which demand a response from the organization the most important issues the organization needs to deal with. Step Four Developing Strategies, Goals, and Objectives Once an organizations mission has been affirmed and its critical issues identified, it is time to figure out what to do about them: the broad approaches to be taken (strategies), and the general and specific results to be sought (the goals and objectives). Strategies, goals, and objectives may come from individual inspiration, group discussion, formal decision-making techniques, and so on but the bottom line is that, in the end, the leadership agrees on how to address the critical issues. This can take considerable time and flexibility: discussions at this stage frequently will require additional information or a reevaluation of conclusions reached during the situation assessment. It is even possible that new insights will emerge which change the thrust of the mission statement. It is important that planners are not afraid to go back to an earlier step in the process and take advantage of available information to create the best possible plan. The product of Step Four is an outline of the organizations strategic directions the general strategies, long-range goals, and specific objectives of its response to critical issues. Step Five Completing the Written Plan The mission has been articulated, the critical issues identified, and the goals and strategies agreed upon. This step essentially involves putting all that down on paper. Usually one member of the Planning Committee, the executive director, or even a planning consultant will draft a final planning document and submit it for review to all key decision makers (usually the board and senior staff). This is also the time to consult with senior staff to determine whether the document can be translated into operating plans (the subsequent detailed action plans for accomplishing the goals proposed by the strategic plan) and to ensure that the plan answers key questions about priorities and directions in sufficient detail to serve as a guide. Revisions should not be dragged out for months, but action should be taken to answer any important questions that are raised at this step. It would certainly be a mistake to bury conflict at this step just to wrap up the process more quickly, because the conflict, if serious, will inevitably undermine the potency of the strategic directions chosen by the planning committee. The product of Step Five is a strategic plan! Whats in a vision statement? [From] Martin Luther King, Jr. said, I have a dream, and what followed was a vision that changed a nation. That famous speech is a dramatic example of the power that can be generated by a person who communicates a compelling vision of the future. Management author Tom Peters identified a clear vision of the desired future state of the organization as an essential component of high performance. Widely-read organizational development author Warren Bennis identified a handful of traits that made great leaders great. Among them is the ability to create a vision. So, What Is a Vision and How Do I Get One? A vision is a guiding image of success formed in terms of a contribution to society. If a strategic plan is the blueprint for an organizations work, then the vision is the artists rendering of the achievement of that plan. It is a description in words that conjures up a similar picture for each member of the group of the destination of the groups work together. There is one universal rule of planning: You will never be greater than the vision that guides you. No Olympic athlete ever got to the Olympics by mistake; a compelling vision of his or her stellar performance inevitably guides all the sweat and tears for many years. The vision statement should require the organizations members to stretch their expectations, aspirations, and performance. Without that powerful, attractive, valuable vision, why bother? How a Vision is Used John Bryson, the author of Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations, states that typically, a vision is more important as a guide to implementing strategy than it is to formulating it. This is because the development of strategy is driven by what you are trying to accomplish, your organizations purposes. A mission statement answers the questions: Why does our organization exist? What business are we in? What values will guide us? A vision, however, is more encompassing. It answers the question, What will success look like? It is the pursuit of this image of success that really motivates people to work together. A vision statement should be realistic and credible, well articulated and easily understood, appropriate, ambitious, and responsive to change. It should orient the groups energies and serve as a guide to action. It should be consistent with the organizations values. In short, a vision should challenge and inspire the group to achieve its mission. The Impact of Vision John F. Kennedy did not live to see the achievement of his vision for NASA, but he set it in motion when he said, By the end of the decade, we will put a man on the moon. That night, when the moon came out, we could all look out the window and imagine And when it came time to appropriate the enormous funds necessary to accomplish this vision, Congress did not hesitate. Why? Because this vision spoke powerfully to values Americans held dear: America as a pioneer and America as world leader. In an amazing longitudinal study on goal setting, Yale University surveyed the graduating class of 1953 on commencement day, to determine if they had written goals for what they wanted their lives to become. Only three percent had such a vision. In 1973, the surviving members of the class of 1953 were surveyed again. The three percent who had a vision for what they wished their lives would become had accumulated greater wealth than the other 97 percent combined. Great wealth, a man on the moon, brother and sisterhood among the races of the globe what is your organizations vision? Shared Vision To a leader, the genesis of the dream is unimportant. The great leader is the servant of the dream, the bearer of the myth, the story teller. It is the idea (vision) that unites people in the common effort, not the charisma of the leader, writes Robert Greenleaf in Leadership Crisis. He goes on to write: Optimal performance rests on the existence of a powerful shared vision that evolves through wide participation to which the key leader contributes, but which the use of authority cannot shape. The test of greatness of a dream is that it has the energy to lift people out of their moribund ways to a level of being and relating from which the future can be faced with more hope than most of us can summon today. The Process for Creating a Vision Like much of strategic planning, creating a vision begins with and relies heavily on intuition and dreaming. As part of the process, you may brainstorm with your staff or your board what you would like to accomplish in the future. Talk about and write down the values that you share in pursuing that vision. Different ideas do not have to be a problem. People can spur each other on to more daring and valuable dreams and visions dreams of changing the world that they are willing to work hard for. The vision may evolve throughout a strategic planning process. Or, it may form in one persons head in the shower one morning! The important point is that members of an organization without a vision may toil, but they cannot possibly be creative in finding new and better ways to get closer to a vision without that vision formally in place. Nonprofit organizations, with many of their staff and board members actively looking for ways to achieve a vision, have a powerful competitive and strategic advantage over organizations that operate without a vision. Perceptions of Ideal Futures: An Exercise in Forming Vision This section outlines an exercise you may employ to assist your organization in defining its own vision. By using this exercise to develop your organizational vision, you may be better assured that the vision statement that is developed is a shared vision. At a retreat, or even at a board meeting or staff meeting, take an hour to explore your vision. Breaking into small groups helps increase participation and generate creativity. Agree on a rough time frame, say five to ten years. Ask people to think about the following questions: How do you want your community to be different? What role do you want your organization to play in your community? What will success look like? Then ask each group to come up with a metaphor for your organization, and to draw a picture of success: Our organization is like a mariachi band all playing the same music together, or like a train pulling important cargo and laying the track as we go, or . The value of metaphors is that people get to stretch their minds and experiment with different ways of thinking about what success means to them. Finally, have all the groups share their pictures of success with each other. One person should facilitate the discussion and help the group discuss what they mean and what they hope for. Look for areas of agreement, as well as different ideas that emerge. The goal is to find language and imagery that your organizations members can relate to as their vision for success. Caution: Do not try to write a vision statement with a group. (Groups are great for many things, but writing is not one of them!). Ask one or two people to try drafting a vision statement based on the groups discussion, bring it back to the group, and revise it until you have something that your members can agree on and that your leaders share with enthusiasm.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Kate’s children Essay

It is a dark damp day; the rain is beating down on the corrugated iron of my four-roomed cottage on Condobolin Road. It is still early hours, however my husband William has already left to visit his parents Frederick and Mary on their property, as the wind and rain has brought down two of their great gum trees. My children are still sleeping soundly. I am not feeling well again today, I have not felt well since Maggie’s death, some two years ago. My head has not felt right; it tells me to do things that women shouldn’t even think of. I am not a well human being; I do not feel anymore, this haunts me. I feel great remorse and pity for myself. I am however fit to right my story, my life. My name is Catherine Ada Foster, however I am better known as Kate Kelly, sister of the renowned Ned Kelly. I was born in Beveridge on the 12th of July 1863, as the seventh child born to my parents John ‘Red’ Kelly and Ellen Quinn. Mary, the eldest is the sister I never knew, as she passed away at infancy. Second born was Anne then came Edward- everyone knowing him as Ned, then Margaret, James and Daniel. At the young age of just three years old in 1866, many events took place that changed my life; my little sister Grace came into the world around the same time we as a family moved to Avenel. That year my father John Kelly also passed away of dropsy, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body tissues, or cavities causing swelling or distension of the affected parts. This left my mother a widow and seven children fatherless, so we moved in with my aunt in Greta. After living there for twelve months, mother took up her own selection on the Eleven-Mile-Creek in the Glenrowan district, and there we moved into a newly erected two-roomed hut built by Ned. In Greta, I attended school and upon finishing I spent my time helping mother with the younger children, as she had remarried George King in 1874, and had two more children, Ellen and John- making a family of eleven, most of us being exceptional horsemen. It was just five years before in 1969 when Ned was first bought before the police court for two cases, at just fifteen years of age. He was charged with assault of a fowl and pig dealer named Ah Fook, and secondly aiding a bushranger, Harry Power, in some of his robberies. Luckily for Ned and Mother, he was found not guilty in both cases. However before the end of that year, Ned was convicted again for assault and indecent behaviour resulting in six months hard labor. Our family name was becoming well known around our area, as the police were giving us a bad name for petty things my older brother did. When Ned was released from prison, just three weeks later he received a beautiful brown mare off a friend he met during his labor times. However the police were on to him and arrested Ned as the horse was stolen, Ned had no idea of this, but this didn’t seem to matter to the police as he received three years hard labor. I was about fifteen years of age when the suitor Constable Alexander Fitzpatrick became attracted to me. He did not have a good name for himself, already fathering two children to different mothers. He tried to pose as a friend of the family, however my brothers were not fools to be reckoned with, and they did not trust him. On the 15th of April 1878, Fitzpatrick rode up to our house and Dan went outside. He asked Dan to go to Greta with him, as he had a warrant for stealing Whitty’s horses. Dan refused and asked to see the warrant, and Fitzpatrick said he had none. My mother told Fitzpatrick he had no business on her premises so he pulled out his revolver and said he would blow her brains out if she interfered. Mother said that Ned was present and he would come out and ram the revolver down his throat. It was obvious that Fitzpatrick had been drinking. As he was sitting on the stool waiting for Dan to finish his meal, I in my course of duties passed by him and he tried to kiss me. All my brothers tried to stop him. Fitzpatrick was drunk, they were sober but his story was believed above ours. He stated that my mother had struck him with a fire shovel, Dan had beaten him and Ned had shot him in the wrist and wounded him. He also incriminated William Williamson and Maggies husband William Skillion who he insisted on being there when the incident took place. The outcome resulted in long harsh sentences for mother, and our neighbours Skillion and Williamson. Ned and Dan hadn’t waited for their arrest and fled into the Wombat Ranges. 1 I was very angry that even the doctor who attended Fitzpatrick’s wounds, did not confirm that there was a bullet wound, and also that there was a strong smell of liquor on his breath.

Friday, January 10, 2020

Benefits of Internet Monitoring

The rationality of the benefits of internet monitoring in the work place remains argumentative. A strong foundation of whether or not this aspect has any influence to the performance of an organization would be credited to the results to an affiliated strong research activity. However, due to the role played by the internet monitoring within an organization, it remains a critical event which perhaps unfolds the subject matter of the benefits accruing to internet monitoring.Broadly, the internet system acts as a bridge with which the flow of the organizational information to the outside environment is realized. Through the internet, stakeholder such as competitors, shareholders, financiers above others are able to get the most appropriate information about the firm. Various information composite of an organization within the internet are useful at varying depths to various persons. Elsewhere, the composite information about other organizations including competitors is useful different ly by a particular organization.However, such inflow of information about competitors at the work place is seldom important for adequate monitoring otherwise would be a leeway if not a cross-bridge to losses through competitive opportunity costs. (Schell, Nellie, 78) The subject matter of validity importance of internet monitoring however remains debatable. At one point, some culprits argue that it pays no benefits to the same due to the public nature of the information floated within the internet. This is in the argument that all the information within the frontiers of the internet system should be public free unless copyright protected.On the other hand, challenges of this argument provides that the information floated through the internet by an organization or its competitors should be adequately monitored due to the related consequences which may serve from such information by the organization itself. (from its competitors) or to the stakeholders of such an organization. However , the rationality about the information flow through the internet has various implications to the organisation. At one point, it may determine the relative success to such an organization when the competitive package of this information to the external environment favors it.However, it may be a root cause into the failure of such organization when inadequacy of this information turns to be opportunity costs to the activities of such specific organization. Through the monitoring of the information flowing into the internet, a rational analyst or elsewhere a researcher would argue compulsively about the various business activities credited to internet information such as bluffing, industrial espionage and the corporate intelligence above others. Internet monitoring at the work place by the manager to his/her employees is rapidly important.Due to the interaction nature into the organizational portfolio and the employees, any uncontrolled usage of the organisations information may bore out various consequences of organisational incapability. At one point employees who may be well known to the operational phenomenon of company may use such information to build out various response consequences between the company and the outside stakeholders. Though some people argue on an affiliated importance between the workers and the internet information flow, others argue that any internet information should be solely let free for whatever level to the workers.(Mcvoy, 1) However, on grounds of rationality, internet monitoring to the workers by the management should be strongly built on solid foundations. This is in the bid to control various autonomous external loss of information to predators such as competitors through the workers. In the short hand therefore, any information left out for free use by the workers should be adequately public as possible. Otherwise insights of confidential information about the company’s information should be let out at a monitored leng th to the workers.Either, workers should not hesitate to sign compliance into the rules of industrial espionage above that of the corporate intelligence. Broadly, the surveillance of information to the workers has drawn an elaborated understanding to many rational business analysts. Currently, this subject matter is seen of an influential capacity to the success of the company. Pursuit to appropriate success in the internet monitoring at the work place is also given refuge by the use of electronic software which continues to improve efficiency in the monitoring process.However, monitoring is subjective for providing protection to both the interests of the managers, the workers ad those of the customers. In every aspect of monitoring, the rights of workers privacy should be left to withhold. To comply with the legal rules, any monitoring activity should be driven in by a consultation protocol between various unions of workers in which an agreement should be implied on the use of the monitoring aspects. In every aspect, this monitoring should provide fairness to the staff above complying with the rules of the law.Otherwise, unjustified as well as excessive campaign on monitoring could breach the laws binding data protection. (Cooney, Lisa, 1) Internet monitoring is important to the workers, the managers and stakeholders of the organisation. Firstly, it helps to ensure that the workers are safe in terms of the health and the working conditions. This may be an intrusion into the working conditions of the workers which may help the employers learn more about the private incidents of the workers conditions. However, in the act of internet monitoring, private information should be pursuit to grounds of fairness and been lawful to them.Elsewhere, internet monitoring such as emails and websites belonging to the workers is important in safeguarding the interests of the stakeholders to the company. Through various internet information monitoring, shareholders interest ma y be affected differently. The sovereignty of the customers may be compromised via the information exchange through the internet between the workers and third parties to the company such as competitors. Through internet, workers may exclusively exchange volatile information to the external person which may radically affect the success of the company.As a rule at the market place, the success of the company is determined by the standards of the game theory. Tactics of survival and the winning formula to such market place game is determined by the operational strategies and methodologies of the operational procedures. However, historical epochs have highlighted workers as been subordinate implements though which private information is exchanged and pirated to the external predators. Such internet monitoring by the managers will therefore involved an analysis of the emails and websites allied to the workers above that of the information made free to the workers by the management.(Mishr a, Suzanne, 1) At a close outlook therefore, internet monitoring plays an exorbitant role in defining the success of the company. It will help to monitor the interest of the parties into the company. Either, it helps to provide standards with which a company can be able to realize its operational efficiencies and economies of scale into the business activities when it does not loose its operational benefits to the competitors through the workers. At the market place full of competition, the nature of information flow between various parties should be highly monitored.Company information should be held as copyright protected material whose flow between particular persons within the organization should be evaluated. Unless such information is made public, any external exchange between the workers and some stakeholders of the company may breach the rights of the copyright protected work. A clear definition of public and private information of the company should be put into place to ens ure a coordinated approach between the information flow from the workers and the external environment.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

Atlantis, a Lost Continent Essay examples - 1969 Words

Introduction. Atlantis was a continent of the Atlantic Ocean where, according to Plato, an advanced civilization developed some 11,600 years ago. Plato affirms that, as the result of a huge volcanic cataclysm of worldwide extent, this continent sunk away underseas, disappearing forever. Official Science - the one you learn at school - rejects the actual existence of Atlantis, as it has so far been unable to find any traces of its reality. But the reason for that is simple to explain. Everybody has been looking in the wrong locations, as Atlantis indeed lies in the opposite side of the world. So been told, of courseÂ… Wat does the name Atlantis actually means? The first thing to keep in mind is that mythical terms have a number of†¦show more content†¦At last the existence of a large continent in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean could be read in many ways and so Atlantis can become Antarctica or the American continent. Regarding the culture of Atlantis we know their customs from Plato but we could suppose there is more than what Plato wrote. But it is writing by Plato, and although he is old, he didnt life in the time Atlantis was supposed to excist. Great CivilazationsÂ… Related art with AtlantisÂ… Anyway great civilisations as Egypt, Maya, Aztec seem to serve a memory of Atlantis culture and history: that is more true as we recognise similar customs among these different civilisations. During nineties some studies about the great Sphinx reported that it could be older than 10000 year. Graham Hancock explains in his ‘Fingerprints of the gods how it could be possible and what really are the great pyramid, Nazcas lines, pre-Colombian monuments. The answer to certain questions seems to be the same: Atlantis. So we can assume the existence of a great ancient civilisation without Platos help. On that way Atlantis becomes a necessary key to explain historical events, cultures, languages etc. Therefore thousands and thousands of years ago there could be more than one Atlantis, large continents called Lemuria, Hive or Mu. While Atlantis theory is supported by geological or cultural proofs, only James Churchward mentions Mu, and there is no geological evidence ofShow MoreRelatedAtl antis: The Lost City, Culture, and Continent Essays2233 Words   |  9 PagesEveryone has heard the bedtime story of the golden lost city of Atlantis. It has been a child’s dream to discover it for decades, maybe centuries. This city has often been compared to the Garden of Eden. The birth of this fairytale lies with the Greek philosopher, Plato. Atlantis was modernly made popular by writer and U.S. Congressman, Ignatius Donnelly, in 1882 (Martin 12). 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